I'm now into another book project which I of course cannot talk about. It is however going to be a lot of fun, perhaps the most fun. It's also going to be a lot of work. This sheet of characters may or may not have anything to do with that which must not be named.
More soon.
I don't know, how can you have as much talent! every time see your works let me the excitement!
Thank you so much Su Haitao. I hope you're doing well.
Su Haitao
I'm glad to see that you have a new blog up. It looks very good. The Dracula drawings are terrific. Good luck.
You have thought about illustrating a history? serious interesting that you did it.
At last new stuff but it was worth the wait.
It´s seems to be a great story.
Thanks Raul.
Thanks Eric.
I can't talk about the story but it's going to be very interesting.
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