Friday, August 2, 2013

Long Bow

I'm anticipating having bits of free time on my current project as communication passes back and forth between myself and the art director. These things usually take time and I wanted to have something to work on while the wheels of production turned - you know what they say about idle hands. I've had this little Redwall inspired mouse archer in mind for a while so I thought I would jot him down while I was thinking about it.

With any luck I'm going to be able to find the time to paint my Robin Hood Mouse while continuing to push forward on the commercial work - fingers crossed.

More soon and thanks for stopping by.



paolo_gaspare said...

Gran bel lavoro!

Thomas Haller Buchanan said...

Heroic! Mighty! Legendary!

This'll give Wyeth's Robin a run for the cheese!

Jay Penn said...

That is some fantastic framing on the bottom piece, Larry. Lots of movement and grace.

Larry MacDougall said...

Pagas - Grazie !

Larry MacDougall said...

Thanks Thomas - Wyeth was more than a little inspiration on this one, as you noticed. :)

Larry MacDougall said...

Thanks Jay :)

Bewildermunster said...

Fantastic, I do love redwall <3 Your character is adorable.

Larry MacDougall said...

Thanks BM !

Oya's Daughter said...

It's fun to take time to do a bit of work for oneself. I've had the chance this week after the first time in ages (because exhibition *gulp*) and it was enjoyable.

Hope you can manage to get time to paint it!

Larry MacDougall said...

Thanks OD and good luck.

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