Sunday, April 14, 2013

Two Fauns

Okay, I warned you that there might be some more stone heads coming and I wasn't kidding. Here we have a small Rubenesque faun relaxing on just such a head and gazing out over the Arcadian landscape. Below her we've got a prancing faun making his way through the fields and below him we have an in-flight faerie drifting over the very same fields. All three of these characters exist in the same area at the same time, feeling the same breeze and the same sun, and are aware of each other, but all have agendas of their own and will not be influenced by the presence of these or the many other characters at play on this hillside at this time, such is the manner of these beings in this place. Thus the magic is cast over all. More soon, on these hills and many others.


  1. Those are terrific drawings, Larry. I love the prancing faun! That sketch brought a smile to my face the moment I saw it.

    I'ma sucker for a good stone head drawing so that one really appealed to me too. Great work, thanks for sharing it with us...

  2. I like the middle one, LOL. Looks like a biker/blacksmith I used to know.

  3. Corina, Jim, WOL - thanks guys, very much appreciated. :)

  4. Lovely, great movement! Actually, I can see these guys dancing through the field joyously in slow motion; maybe slightly comically to some know how they do!

  5. These are great. But just as much as the pictures of the world you create I enjoy the stories. The verbal snippets of witches and magical creatures are wonderful.

  6. Rosie, A.S. - thanks guys. I really wish there was more time for writing and animating but duty calls. I love the feedback, thanks so much for taking the time. :)

  7. The beer belly on the running faun cracks me up. Beautiful work!
