Tuesday, October 26, 2010


This piece is going back a few years. I came across it the other day while searching through some old files. I don't really do this kind of aggressive imagery much anymore but I still kind of like this one. The old metal and rusty armoured surfaces were quite fun to render. I sold him shortly after I painted him and then forgot all about him until just the other day - so I thought I would share him here.


  1. Just amazing!! What's the technique? Oil, acrylic, goauche???

  2. You have a particular knack for painting armour that looks thick, heavy and rusty. Lovely textures!

  3. Hello JR - this one is gouache - thanks :)

  4. I like the way you handled the paint here. It has a pleasant patina. I just wandered through a couple of years of posts -- time flies -- and noticed that throughout you have a perfect pitched sense of gesture and composition. It was a very pleasant trip. Thanks.

    Have a great time and good luck with IlluXCon. I wish I could be there.

  5. Thanks Tom - I'm glad you stopped by :)

  6. Always wonderful to see your work Mr. MacDougal. Maybe one day we will cross paths again.

    you take care.

