Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sloppy Sketchbook 2

Two projects on the go at the moment. One is a private commission for an Absinthe Faerie and the second is a new Arctic Myth book. These sloppy sketchbook pages show a bit of both of these assignments and also ideas that have nothing to do with anything - just fun doodling. These are mostly done with ball point pen - freely drawn without a lot of concern for accuracy or craftsmanship - just following the muse and trying not to try - letting it happen, or dreaming the drawing as Jeff Jones would say :)

Sloppy Sketchbook

Just some rough doodle work at the moment.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Recent Sketchbook 3

It took me a bit longer to get back here than I was expecting. I've been busy finishing up the Hobgoblin project - nearly there - another day or two and it'll be done. This post and the other 2 are more sketchbook stuff. Hopefully soon I'll have something more finished I can share.